Dr. Steven Struhl completes procedure using Cartiheal's Agili-C implant


New York City orthopedic surgeon Steven Struhl, MD, has completed his first procedure using Cartiheal's Agili-C implant for regenerating articular cartilage.

The procedure aims to treat patients suffering from joint pain due to arthritis and trauma, according to a May 23 press release. 

The Agili-C implant was approved by the FDA in March 2022 and is an off-the-shelf solution for cartilage and osteochondral defects in both traumatic and osteoarthritic joints. 

The new procedure offers an effective solution for patients dealing with joint surface lesions, which impact the articular cartilage and subchondral bone of the knee.

Joint surface lesions are present in about 20% of all arthroscopic procedures and can cause significant pain, joint locking and further cartilage deterioration.

"The holy grail for patients with joint surface damage is to regrow articular cartilage, which can be damaged by arthritis or trauma. Most current treatments are either ineffective, overly complex, or prohibitively expensive. However, Cartiheal's Agili-C, derived from actual coral, offers a one-step solution with remarkable clinical results," Dr. Struhl said in the release.

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