The future of outpatient orthopedics: 5 surgeon insights
Outpatient surgery is an inevitable area for spine and orthopedic surgeons to explore. From the potential of innovation to the business outlook for hospitals, here's what five surgeons are saying about outpatient migration in 2022: -
22 years of disc replacement: 4 surgeons on what happens next
Texas Back Institute in Plano was at the forefront of artificial disc replacements, with Scott Blumenthal, MD, performing the first case in the U.S. More than 20 years later, the practice completed its 3,000th lumbar artificial disc replacement in January. -
Jury still out on superiority of orthopedic robots, Johns Hopkins surgeon says
Julius Oni, MD, a joint replacement specialist, said he's excited by robotic technology and how data analytics can be used to improve care. -
The next 'boom' in orthopedics Dr. Jeff Gittins predicts
Jeff Gittins, DO, believes outpatient orthopedics will be the next major growth opportunity in the industry. -
'Trading their legacy for a quick payout': What we heard in March
Spine and orthopedic experts and leaders spoke with Becker's Spine Review on key topics in March from tough career decisions and the benefits of awake procedures. -
Advocacy for patient care a top priority for AAOS' new president
Felix "Buddy" Savoie, III, MD, has taken the helm as the 90th president of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. -
How big data can personalize patient care: Dr. Michael Ast
Michael Ast, MD, has strong hopes for the power of data in orthopedics. -
Staffing to be a key challenge in 2022, Dr. Deepak Reddy says
Deepak Reddy, MD, said he thinks staffing will be a challenge for his practice, South Bend (Ind.) Orthopaedics, in 2022. -
Spine surgery the patient's way: Dr. Ernest Braxton on awake procedures
On February 17, Ernest Braxton, MD, of Vail (Colo.) Summit Orthopaedics and Neurosurgery performed a landmark spinal fusion in the state. -
The Mexican city Dr. Alfonso Garcia sees becoming 'very attractive' for spine care
Dr. Alfonso Garcia, a spine surgeon working in Tijuana, Mexico, believes his city is primed to be a destination for medical tourism services and spine care. -
Dr. Stewart Kerr eyes endoscopic, robotic opportunities at spine practice
Minimally invasive and robotic surgical technology will bring substantial opportunities for growth in spine surgery, Stewart Kerr, MD, said. -
What's needed for endoscopic spine to take off: Q&A with Dr. Saqib Hasan
Saqib Hasan, MD, is an endoscopic spine pioneer, completing California's first endoscopic lumbar fusion with robot-assisted technology. -
TikTok spine surgery: Dr. Chester Donnally's winning formula
Almost two years after completing a spine surgery fellowship at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute in Philadelphia, Chester Donnally, MD, is making a name for himself both in and outside of the operating room. -
'The biggest barrier is the perception that this is a man's job': What we heard in February
Spine and orthopedic experts and leaders spoke with Becker's Spine Review on key topics in February from social media practices to the payer landscape. -
3 key components to Dr. Robert Bray's practice growth
Robert Bray Jr., MD, has big plans for the practice he founded, Newport Beach, Calif.-based DISC Sports and Spine Center, now that it has private equity backing. -
'Motion-sparing devices are going to make a comeback,' Dr. Bobby Bhatti predicts
Motion-preserving technology will remain integral in spine surgery, according to Bobby Bhatti, MD. -
3 challenges Dr. Sohrab Pahlavan anticipates in 2022
From prior authorizations to staffing, orthopedic surgeon Sohrab Pahlavan, MD, is thinking ahead about challenges in 2022. -
'We think of growth as being our strategy': How partnerships have helped a Florida orthopedic practice thrive
Partnerships have been key to Jacksonville, Fla.-based Southeast Orthopedics Specialists' growth in the last few years. In 2019, the practice banded with Healthcare Outcomes Performance Co. Since then, practice also partnered with Jacksonville-based Ascension Florida & Gulf Coast, and with Orthopaedic Associates of St. Augustine (Fla.). -
ASCs could push innovation in orthopedic surgery, Dr. Jason Weisstein says
Outpatient spine and orthopedic surgery has accelerated in the last two years, and with that could come growth in ASC-based technologies, according to Jason Weisstein, MD, of Yavapai Regional Medical Center in Prescott, Ariz. -
Virtual reality, remote monitoring to take center stage for Dr. Cory Calendine's practice
Cory Calendine, MD, an orthopedic surgeon at Franklin-based Bone and Joint Institute of Tennessee, has plans to implement new technologies and protocols to strengthen care at the practice.
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