BPCI Advanced loses 252 providers, 35% of lower extremity major joint replacement participants

Orthopedics & Spine Review

The Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced Program saw a 16 percent drop in participants since October 2018, CMS reported.

Four insights:

1. The program lost 252 Medicare providers, down from 1,547 participants when the program began in October. There are now 715 acute care hospitals and 580 physician group practices participating in BPCI Advanced.

2. The BPCI Advanced model includes 1,086 contracts in its second year, down from 1,299 in October.

3. Providers can opt in for 29 inpatient and three outpatient clinical episodes, receiving payments based on performance during a 90-day episode of care.

4. The number of participants in the bundled model for major joint replacement of the lower extremity dropped about 35 percent, according to Healthcare Finance

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